Movies featuring emperor-wilhelm-ii-of-germany

The Fight For Peace

Kaiser Wilhelm II. beim Besuche der Vulkan-Werft in Stettin am 4. Mai 1897

Forgotten Treasure

A Wall in Jerusalem

Paris Nineteen Hundred

The Cultural History of Museums

Leonardo da Vinci and the Bust of Flora

Apocalypse: The Battle of Verdun

The Guns of August

Atatürk, père de la Turquie moderne

From Atatürk to Erdoğan: Building a Nation

Zeppelin - Das fliegende Schiff

The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty
Arrivée en gondole des souverains d'Allemagne et d'Italie au palais royal de Venise

Guillaume II et Nicolas II à cheval
Kaiserparade in Damaskus
Ahlbeck. Wilhelm II Visits a Working-Class Children's Home
Marktplatz in Beirut